Thursday, November 6, 2014

My Favorite Things

I realize I haven't written in a while but after consulting my muse, I have something I'd like to discuss: my favorite things a.k.a. things I'm currently obsessed with. 1. All things pumpkin--bagels, bread, lattes, etc. And if you're wondering, yes I am aware that is soooo overdone. Last weekend I left the house wearing rain boots, leggings, a Victoria's secret PINK hoodie and a North Face rain jacket--your "basic" white bitch outfit. If I had seen myself out in public, I'd kick my own ass. Alas, I am 34 years old and just don't care. It was cold and rainy. But I digress, the whole point to that story (yes there was one) is that I DID NOT imbibe in a PSL. 2. Gilmore Girls--I've recently discovered there are many, many GG gifs that make me giggle. If you are "lucky" enough to get a text from me, don't be surprised if you get a GG gif. Just sayin' 3. Taylor Swift's new CD 1989. If you haven't listened to it, you owe it to yourself. While I don't consider myself to be a complete audiophile, I do LOVE music--of all types. This CD (which is NOT at all country, if you were wondering) is AMAZEBALLS. Yes I just said that. I have been listening to it NONSTOP for days. Taylor, or T-Swizzle as Nicole and I fondly refer to her as, is a genius. I want to be her BFF. Her voice is awesome, her metaphorical lyrics EVEN better, and she clearly has a top-notch production team. My favorites are: Blank Space, Style, Wildest Dreams, Bad Blood, etc....I LOVE the whole CD. Usually when I buy entire albums there are a few songs I can do without, but not in this case. Lines like "I can make the bad guys good for a weekend" and "Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" from Blank Space are so great. 4. Netflix--which has EVERY Friend's episode...and such gems as Last Man Standing and Gilmore Girls [duh] 5. Stitch Fix 6. My Weim doggies--Busa and Cinder--and the Weimaraner page I belong to on Facebook. I love seeing the gorgeous dogs and what sort of shenanigans they get into. 7. My husband Noah [goes without saying] 8. Meal planning via Pinterest--I DESPISE trying to figure out what to cook for dinner, and Pinterest has made it 100% easier. Check out my boards for inspiration! 9. Having my nails done--yes I am "old school" and still get the acrylic pink and white. I just love them; don't care if the gel manicure is more "trendy" or whatever. 10. Blogging. Check out my latest blog for Metro's Other Woman:

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